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Tag: health and fitness

Man and woman playing tennis on a red clay court.

‘I Don’t See The Ball Like I Used To. Help!’

By JIM HAYS,  M.D. For a tennis player, many things change as you get older. Your eyesight is no exception. Common complaints include not seeing...

Eat Red This Spring

Decrease inflammation pre- and post-tennis with spring fruits and vegetables By PAGE LOVE, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD, USPTA We all know that fruits and veggies are...
Sports Medicine and Fitness Analytics as a Concept

Advanced Preventative Sports Medicine

By Allison Cochran PA-C, MPAS, New Vitality Medical So, what is advanced preventative sports medicine? The short answer: It is the prevention of sports-related injuries....
woman sleeping

Tips for the Off-Season

BY MELISSA BAUDO MARCHETTI, PT, DPT, SCS, MTC As the ATP and WTA seasons come to a close, professional tennis athletes will enter their off-season...
school lunch with sandwich on white table, close-up

Lunchbox Tips to Maximize Your After School/Work ALTA Tennis Play

By Page Love, MS, RDN, CSSD, USPTA & Nancy Anderson, MPH, RDN, CSSD, Nutrifit, Sport Therapy, Inc.  Appropriate nutrition is essential for tennis players to...
Foam roller on mat at the crossfit gym

Rolling for Recovery

By Melissa Baudo Marchetti, PT, DPT, SCS, MTC The best-kept secret to maximizing your performance and keeping you active is simple: “Recover better.” The use...

How to Strengthen Your Gut to Get Through Cold and Flu...

By Page Love, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD During the winter, frequent changes in temperature can suppress the immune system and make even the fittest of...