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Tag: health and fitness

Water bottle next to a jump rope and yoga brick

Should You Be Applying The Same Sport Science Concepts Used By...

By Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., CTPS, MTPS, Kovacs Institute  The work we do with some of the best athletes in the world involves advanced sport science...
a set of small dumbbells and a fitness band.

What Areas Should Be Trained To Be A Better Tennis Player?

By Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., CTPS, MTPS Tennis is a great sport for fitness and health. However, to play at a competitive level, you can do...
young woman stretching

Do The Tennis 10+ Warmup/Cool Down

By Neeru Jayanthi, MD, Director Emory Tennis Medicine; Tony Tran, ATC, Emory Tennis Medicine; Lucy Avant, NYU (Pre-Med) Tennis Player, Emory Tennis Medicine intern;...
Yoga mat with sneakers, jump rope, and hand weights on top.

Get Strong For Tennis

By Dr. Mark Kovacs, CTPS, MTPS; CEO, Kovacs Institute; Executive Director International Tennis Performance Association Have you ever watched professional players play a match live?...
Mens' baseball pitcher throwing the curveball to the batter.

What Can Tennis Players Learn From Baseball?

By Dr. Mark Kovacs, CTPS, MTPS; CEO, Kovacs Institute; Executive Director International Tennis Performance Association It is not often that tennis and baseball are used...
Serena Williams

Tennis Movement: The importance of your first step

By Dr. Mark Kovacs, CTPS, MTPS; CEO, Kovacs Institute; Executive Director International Tennis Performance Association Whether you play once per week or five times a...

Does Beer Work As A Recovery Beverage?

By Dr. Mark Kovacs, CTPS, MTPS; CEO, Kovacs Institute; Executive Director International Tennis Performance Association Many of you may enjoy an adult beverage after a...
Close-up of a tennis player's feet as he is serving on a clay court.

Achilles Tendonitis

Preventive treatment goes a long way in avoiding injury By Richard C. Lehman, M.D., U.S. Center for Sports Medicine Achilles tendonitis in tennis players is fairly...

Demystifying The Massage Gun Category

Percussive Therapy vs Vibration Therapy By Tyler Herring, Director of Tennis Specialty Sales, Therabody If you’ve been on social media or YouTube and looked up a...
yoga mat and small hand weights

The Kinetic Chain: Keeping You Moving On The Court In All...

By Dr. Stephanie Hsu Tennis requires strength, speed, flexibility, balance, and coordination to create efficient, powerful strokes and to provide the agility to move quickly...