Tag: good question
Good Question: March/April 2025
Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick
One of my players is running late and isn’t at the tennis courts yet. How much time do our opponents have...
Good Question: January/February 2025
Cloud Chasing?!
When it was my turn to serve in a recent men’s doubles match, I noticed a significant cloud of vapor emerging in front...
Good Question: November/December 2024
By Rita Maloof, First Vice President
How does an ALTA rule get changed?
ALTA has a Rules Committee that meets monthly. The committee is chaired by...
Good Question: September/October 2024
Swing and a Miss!
During a match, the server tossed the ball and attempted to hit it and missed. Is this a fault?
Loretta Phillips, Sunday...
Good Question May/June 2024
Team Placement & Defaults
How do defaults count toward a team’s rating the following season? For instance, if my team has 15 points at the...
In A Pickle?
Here’s ALTA’s answers to your burning pickleball questions.
By Jerry Niemeyer, Pickleball League Vice President
Earlier in the winter season, my partner and I played at...
Good Question March/April 2024
Choice Of Ends & Service
When are players supposed to spin/toss for choice of ends and service?
Seth Appelbaum, Senior Leagues Vice President
What most of us...
Good Question Jan/Feb 2024
Regardless of the league, month, day, or time, there are some questions that we get asked over and over again. Here’s a look at...
Good Question Nov/Dec 2023
The Default
When a team is given a default from an opposing team, when and how does this transpire?
Joan Marcinko, Senior Day Leagues Vice President:
Good Question July/August 2023
Junior Tennis Balls
What are the differences in tennis balls for each age group in the Junior Leagues?
Wendy Fee, Junior Leagues VP
10U: Low-compression orange balls....