Home Good Question Good Question: May/June 2020

Good Question: May/June 2020


Roster Adjustment Options
My team was moved up to a playing level that is above my comfort level. Can I arrange to be dropped from a team roster before the season begins?  What are my options?

Chequetta Allen, Sunday Women’s League Vice President

  • Rule I.G.4. No player may be removed from a roster after the roster correction deadline, regardless of how they came to be on that roster.
  • Don’t play and request a Post-Season Deletion
    • POST-SEASON DELETION – May be requested by a member of a team who has not played in any match or been listed on any scorecard. The request must be completed on the web site within 30 days of the last match of the regular season. If the request is approved, the level flight for that team will be removed from the member’s history.


Roster Placement Process
Why was my team level request, submitted during the team roster registration period, not honored?

Debbie Gaster, First Vice President

  • During the submission of the roster, if a captain wishes to have his/her team specifically reviewed due to various circumstances during the placement process, there is a Request for Review box to check. Once checked, it provides space for captains to insert comments, circumstances and justification for being considered for the requested placement. It doesn’t mean the requested placement will be granted, but it does mean the team information will be thoroughly researched and given consideration based on the findings.


Announcing The Score
During a recent 10-point tiebreak, our opponents apparently called one of our shots out. Several points later, discussions arose about the correct score. After several minutes, we still could not agree on the correct score. How is the score determined when players cannot agree?

Roger Dennington, Senior Leagues Vice President

To decrease the likely hood of getting in this situation, we should refer to The Code’s article 31.

It states: “31. Server announces score. The server shall announce the game score before the first point of a game and the point score before each subsequent point of the game.”  In addition, the score should be announced loud enough for all players to hear.

If the players cannot agree on a score, we again look to The Code.

“32. Disputes. Disputes over the score shall be resolved by using one of the following methods, which are listed in the order of preference: 

  • Count all points and games agreed upon by the players and replay only disputed points or games; 
  • If the players do not agree on the court in which the disputed point started, toss a coin to select the court. 
  • If the players do not agree on who served a disputed point in a tiebreak, toss a coin to select the server. (A coin toss may also be needed to determine the side in which the point is played and the end from which the server serves.) 
  • If the players do not agree on who served a disputed game, toss a coin to select the server. 
  • Play from a score mutually agreeable to all players; 
  • Spin a racket or toss a coin.”

Only the disputed points should be replayed. For example, the serving team says the score is 3-1, the receiving team says 2-2. They agree to all the points played except the second point. The second point should be replayed. If the serving team wins the point, the score becomes 3-1; if the receiving team wins the point, the score becomes 2-2.

This information is available on the ALTA Website Documents page under + USTA Publications, 2019 Friend at Court.


Age Range
How old do I need to be to play on an ALTA Senior team?

Kim Dlugolenski, Senior Day League Vice President

ALTA has a Senior Day Men’s and Women’s League that is 55 years of age and older. The leagues play in the spring and fall.  The women play on Tuesday, and the men play on Wednesday at 10 a.m. The dual meets consist of 3 doubles matches, and you only need 8 players for a roster.  Since there are only three lines, the match is typically over by 1 p.m., so the rest of the day is open for whatever plans you may have.  ALTA members may join a Senior Day team any time during the year of their 55th birthday.

ALTA also has a Senior Men’s and Senior Women’s League that is 45 years of age and older.  These leagues play in the summer.  The women play on Thursday night and the men play on Friday night at 6:30 p.m. The dual meets consist of 4 doubles matches, and you need 10 players for a roster.

In the winter, we offer a Senior Mixed League that plays on Saturday mornings, starting at 10 am. The dual meets consist of 4 doubles matches (men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and two mixed doubles). You need 10 players (5 men and 5 women) for a roster.

Players must be at least 45 years within the calendar year for the Senior Men’s, Senior Women’s and Senior Mixed Leagues.

The 45+ and 55+ leagues are a good way to meet new friends and to play within your own age group, as well as enjoy matches that are fun and competitive. So, get in on all the fun by forming a new team or joining an existing senior team.