Home Good Question Good Question: Jan/Feb 2020

Good Question: Jan/Feb 2020


Changing a Published Lineup
Last week, I had my lineup all set and published it via the website. Then at 1 p.m. on Saturday, I get a call from a parent saying their child couldn’t play, so I had to adjust at the last minute. I didn’t have time to go back into the website to change the published lineup. After the match, I entered the scores and then went back to change the lineup to who actually played, but the site would not let me. I am assuming that is because: Either the lineup feature gets locked out after the scores are entered; or you can’t change a published lineup after match time.

I guess no big deal either way, as I’m assuming the “Check Lineup” goes by the actual scorecard and not the lineup feature. Can you confirm my assumption?

Rita Maloof, Junior Leagues Vice President
You are correct. After the scorecard has been entered, the published lineup cannot be changed. The system uses the scorecard for all the stats, including player names, wins and losses, etc. Changes in players before a line starts without updating the lineup checker are perfectly fine, provided you know the player is playing in a legal position. If you are ready to submit your scorecard (not just save it), you need to check the box ONLY when the match is complete, and you have successfully entered all scorecard information. Then hit ‘SAVE.’ Otherwise, it will not be forwarded for review.

When to Call ‘Out’
My partner was about to volley a shot from close to the baseline. I saw that is was going long, so I yelled “out!” He let it go and it landed out, but our opponents claimed it was their point because I said “out” before the ball hit the ground. They said I couldn’t use that word because it is a distraction. Are they right?

Lamar Scott, Men’s League Vice President
In this case, shouting “out” wouldn’t cost you, since the ball indeed landed out. When talking interferes with an opponent’s ability to play a ball, it is a hindrance. You’re always at risk when you use the word “out” during a point if it’s not meant to be a call; better to just say “bounce it.” However, had the ball landed in and your partner returned it, your opponents could have claimed the point. The Code, Item 12, says you lose the point if you make an out call and then reverse it (such as by continuing to play the ball). Item 34 further clarifies that talking between doubles partners when the ball is moving toward them is allowed. Doubles players should not talk when the ball is moving toward their opponent’s court.

Check the ALTA FAQ’s
I am trying to find out the dates for league play in the spring 2020. Could you tell me the dates of the matches and/or where I can find out on the ALTA site?

Chequetta Allen, Sunday Women’s League Vice President
When you go to altatennis.org, you are on the home page. There is a list of upcoming dates, and at the bottom of the list is a button marked “Go to Calendar.” If you click that button, then it will take you to a calendar, and you can scroll from month to month to find league dates for all leagues.

You also can click on the hamburger icon under the “sign out” button, and on the upper-right portion of the page > go to Players & Leagues > Scroll down to Adult Leagues or Junior Leagues, and click on Learn More. When you click on an individual league (Men’s, Sunday Women, Junior Girls, etc.), you can scroll to the bottom of the page to get all league information, including all pertinent league dates.

Member Search
Where do I find the level of a player?

Debbie Gaster, First Vice President
Sign in at altatennis.org. Select “Member Portal.” Click on the hamburger icon beside the ALTA logo at the top left-hand part of the page. Scroll down to Members & Membership > Member Search. Enter the player’s ALTA number or the player’s name and click “search.” Click the “Play History” button, and the player’s play history with levels of play will populate the window.

Also, on the home page, you can scroll down to the bottom and under the heading of “Quick Links to Resources,” you will find the FAQs where several of your questions are answered.