Home Court Cuisine Lavender-Lemon Shortbread

Lavender-Lemon Shortbread

Lavendar-Lemon Shortbread

Donna Schaaf, Jefferson Township Senior Day Women B5

¾         cup butter
½         cup confectioners sugar
1          tsp. vanilla extract
½         tsp. lemon extract
1 ½      cups all-purpose flour
¼          tsp. salt
1½       tsp. dried lavender
1          Tbsp. fresh lemon zest
3          Tbsp. granulated sugar

Beat butter, sugar, vanilla and lemon extract with mixer at medium speed until creamy. In separate bowl, sift together flour and salt, slowly add flour mixture to butter mixture while beating until combined. Fold in lavender and lemon zest. Shape dough in ball, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 2 hrs. On floured surface, roll out dough to 1/4-inch thickness using 2-inch round fluted cutter. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake on parchment at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or less until set. Let cool.