Home Court Cuisine Jamaican Bullas

Jamaican Bullas


Asneth Enriquez, Mountain Park, Mixed Doubles A8

1 1/3   cups dark brown sugar
¼   cup water
3   cups flour
1   tsp. baking powder
½   tsp. baking soda
½   tsp. ground ginger
1   tsp. grated nutmeg
2   Tbsp. butter, melted

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease a cookie sheet. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and water until it becomes a syrup. In another bowl, sift the dry ingredients then add the sugar syrup and melted butter. Mix well then place dough onto a well-floured surface. Part the dough in quarter-inch thickness using a donut cutter or two glasses of different diameters. Cut into circles so that the bullas resemble bagels. Place bullas on the cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes until golden brown. Makes two dozen.