Home Court Cuisine Baseline Bites

Baseline Bites

Baked Ham And Swiss Sliders on White Tray Buns

Wendy Doyle, Olde Atlanta Club, Sunday Women B1

2   12 oz. packages small sweet Hawaiian rolls
1 ½   lbs Virginia ham (hot honey ham)
12       slices Swiss cheese
1   stick butter
2   tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1   tsp. garlic powder
1   tsp. onion powder
Poppy seeds, to taste

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In two 9×13 pans, place bottoms of 12 rolls in each pan. Place ham (about 2 slices) on the rolls. Cut cheese into four parts and place two small slices on top of ham slices. Place the tops on the sandwiches. In a small saucepan, mix butter, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder and poppy seeds. Wait until butter is melted, mixing to combine, and then brush the melted mixture over the sandwiches. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted. (Can also let sit in fridge for an hour or overnight before baking.)