Home Authors Posts by Cory Sekine-Pettite

Cory Sekine-Pettite

Cory Sekine-Pettite

The ALTA Foundation: Planting Seeds

sprouting seeds
The ALTA Foundation continues to provide seeds to programs that are changing the tennis landscape throughout Atlanta and its surrounding communities. By Rita Maloof, ALTA...

Good Question Nov/Dec 2022

Tennis ball on court, resting against the net
Foot Fault Clarification There are certain tennis rules that often solicit a gray area, so we are clarifying a recent answer regarding foot faults. A...

League News: Wheelchair and Run/Roll Adapt to Changes

ALTA Wheelchair tennis
By Lynn Lee, Special Programs Vice President The Wheelchair and Run/Roll Leagues are no strangers to having to adapt to changes in their programs throughout...

League News: ALTA’s Junior Challenge Ladder Hits the Over 40 Year...

Luke Jensen and ALTA junior challenge ladder competitors
By Stacey Simmons, Junior Challenge Ladder Vice President The 43rd ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder (JCL) season is here! The season began this year on August...

What Areas Should Be Trained To Be A Better Tennis Player?

a set of small dumbbells and a fitness band.
By Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., CTPS, MTPS Tennis is a great sport for fitness and health. However, to play at a competitive level, you can do...

Tips To Stay On Track With Your Diet This Holiday Season

Christmas dinner table setting
By Page Love, MS, RD, CSSD, and Allison Foley, Dietetic Intern Holiday ALTA team socials can be a challenge to navigate while trying to stick...

Attack The Second Serve

By Stephen Huss, Program Director, Huss 75 76 Tennis at Crooked Creek It is common at ALL levels of tennis that the shortest and weakest...

How To Handle Net Rushers In Doubles

tennis player waiting tennis ball
By Ian Thompson, Director of Tennis, Carl E. Sanders Family YMCA at Buckhead Most players at any level have come across a team that has...

The Middle

young man play tennis outdoor on orange tennis court
By Cem Gurkaynak, Director of Tennis, St Marlo Country Club “Down the middle solves the riddle.” This simple tip has been told many times by...

Crock Pot Potato Soup

Cauliflower and potato cream soup with green onion in a bowl on grey wooden background
Elizabeth Yarbrough, Peachtree City TC, Thursday Women B4 1          (30 oz.) bag frozen hash-brown potatoes 2          (14 oz.) cans chicken broth 1          (10.75 oz.)...