Home Authors Posts by Cory Sekine-Pettite

Cory Sekine-Pettite

Cory Sekine-Pettite

Good Question Mar/Apr 2023

Close-up of net on green clay tennis court
Entering the scorecard After the completion of an ALTA match, who is responsible for actually putting in the scorecard? Joan Marcinko, Senior Day Leagues Vice President: Either...

League News: What A Year For The ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder

ALTA junior player
By Stacey Simmons, Junior Challenge Ladder Vice President The ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder completed an incredible season in 2022. These ambitious players battled on the...

League News: Mixing In Good Sportsmanship

ALTA Mixed Doubles pair on the court
By John Lowell, Mixed Doubles League Vice President As I write this, Mixed Doubles 2023 is just kicking off. Given that it’s winter in Atlanta,...

League News: Calling All ALTA Seniors — It’s Time For A...

ALTA Senior League players
By Gina Clance, Senior Leagues Vice President Let’s shake the frost off our racquets and get the warm weather clothes out — it’s almost time...

ALTA Boundary Expansion is Underway

Atlanta skyline at sunset
By Emmy Powell, Net News Editor  The city of Atlanta has grown exponentially in the last several decades. Nothing can quite compare with the building...

Shepherd Center’s ‘Secret Sauce’

By Rita Maloof, ALTA Foundation President  The ALTA Foundation is proud to announce its sponsorship of the Shepherd Center 2023 Rehabilitation Therapy tennis clinics. As...

Expanding Our Horizons in 2023

ALTA 2023 Board of Directors
By Sandy Depa, ALTA Board Chair I am honored to be the 2023 Board Chair for the Atlanta Lawn and Tennis Association. It has been...

Don’t Blame The Pickleball

Mixed doubles pickleball team
By Casey Kay, Head Pickleball Professional, Tennis Professional, Piedmont Driving Club With the growth of pickleball, media outlets have reported a rising number of injuries...

Should You Be Applying The Same Sport Science Concepts Used By...

Water bottle next to a jump rope and yoga brick
By Mark Kovacs, Ph.D., CTPS, MTPS, Kovacs Institute  The work we do with some of the best athletes in the world involves advanced sport science...

Grants For Pro Certification

Tennis coach on a clay court.
By Dom Masciantonio, GPTA President, USTA-Georgia Past President ALTA captains and league players: Is your tennis professional/coach a certified teaching professional and active member with...