Home Authors Posts by Cory Sekine-Pettite

Cory Sekine-Pettite

Cory Sekine-Pettite

Your Relationship With Tennis

By Luke Jensen, French Open Doubles Champion The tennis world continues to evolve yet stays the same. On the pro tour, young faces like Ben...

Greek Pasta Salad

Greek pasta salad
Christina Stolte, The Club at Spalding Corners Sunday Women B3 12-16   oz. bowtie pasta 1          pint grape tomatoes, halved ½         cup sliced black or...

Courtside Toasted Pecan and Broccoli Salad

Toasted pecan and broccoli salad
Susan Gouinlock, Twin Lakes Sunday Women, B1 1/3 cup pecans, chopped 1 cup light mayonnaise 1/3 cup sugar of choice 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar 1-½ lb. fresh broccoli...

Caprese Orzo Salad

Melissa Berry, Liberty Subdivision Sunday Women, B1 Dressing: ¼          cup balsamic vinegar ¼          cup olive oil 1          Tbsp. honey 1          clove garlic, minced Salt/pepper to taste Salad: 10...

Confetti Pasta Salad

colored shell pasta
Lisa Quinn, Dellinger Park Thursday Women, B2 8          oz. uncooked small shell pasta 1          pint grape tomatoes, halved 2          cups coarsely chopped fresh spinach 1...

Chicken Salad with Grapes

Chicken salad with grapes
Margaret Pepe, Dressage Sunday Women A7 1          whole rotisserie chicken 1          cup seedless grapes, sliced 2          celery ribs, thinly sliced ½ - ¾    cup...

Corn Salad

corn salad
Margaret Culver, Windward Lake Thursday Women, B7 8          ears corn, shucked 6          fresh tomatoes, chopped 2          cucumbers, peeled, seeded & chopped 2          green onions,...

Adding Racquet Head Speed To Your Shots

Man practicing his groundstrokes on a tennis court.
By Danny Tarpley, Owner, Tarpley Tennis  As you improve and advance in the game of tennis, you will need to add the ability to hit...

Improving Your Return

ALTA Senior Men player returning a serve.
By Stewart Atkins, Tennis Director, Jekyll Island Tennis Center  This article is about using the return of serve to improve your game. At our facility,...

Returning Strategy In Doubles

ALTA Mixed Doubles player returning a serve.
By Stephen Huss, Program Director, Huss 75 76 Tennis at Crooked Creek  Todd Woodbridge, who won 16 grand slam titles, gave me a great tip...