Home Pro Tips You Have More Time Than You Think!

You Have More Time Than You Think!


By Chris Wolfe, Certified PPR Professional and Director of Pickleball at Pickle and Social

I’ve noticed that some of our newer players tend to rush at the last moment. Instead of preparing for the shot, they hurry their swing just to make contact. Here’s a tip: Once you know where the ball is heading, aim to get there before it does. Moving quickly to the ball’s projected location allows you to slow down, giving you ample time to prepare for a precise shot. In contrast, if you’re slow to get to the ball, you’ll have to rush your swing. A hurried swing often leads to difficulty in achieving the correct contact point.

Mastering the technique of beating the ball to its bounce is no small feat; it requires dedicated practice. But mastering this skill is crucial if want to elevate your game. Next time you watch a professional match, observe how the players anticipate the ball’s path and position themselves well in advance. This movement gives them the time to prepare and hit the ball out in front, directing it precisely where they want it to go. Remember, you should be dictating the ball’s path, not the other way around!

Learn more and get more pickleball tips on Instagram by following Wolfe @chriswolfepickleball and @Chris Wolfe on Facebook.