Home Pro Tips Customer Service: How Would You Rate Yourself?

Customer Service: How Would You Rate Yourself?

Female tennis player at the baseline

By Andy Cha, Adult Program Coordinator, Life Time Athletic and Tennis

How would you describe your best experience in customer service? My experience was one-of-a-kind when I was young and trying to impress a girl. We went out to dinner and, of course, I was nervous. However, our waitress was kind enough to understand what I was going through and without asking, took the extra time at our table so I felt more comfortable. I then started to become more relaxed and confident. She not only came to our table at moments when I was struggling to continue our conversation, but also understood when we were laughing and connecting. She then would stay back and let us have a great time. Our waitress was exceptional at understanding what was going on. I was so impressed with her service that I asked her if I could speak with her manager. Surprised, she had no idea that I was really impressed with her service and understanding. On that day, I certainly scored big enough points with my date to where we are happy and have a life to share together presently.

I still think about that excellent experience to this day. It made me feel extremely special and made me want to let others know of her service. We often forget that it’s not about us, but it is about the customer. It does not matter what you do for a living, if you are in business, you are serving customers. I have two components to providing services: First, as a tennis professional, I have decided to serve my customers through teaching tennis by listening to what they are looking for and comprehending prior to speaking my mind. By understanding, I can quickly come up with guidance on how to help the customer and proceed with a plan.

My first goal is not to solve and tell them what they want to hear, but rather to understand why they decided to work on those specific shots or patterns. Meaning, instead of telling players what to do, I get to teach them how to think on the court — then they will decide if it was a good (or bad) decision based on results. Through communicating with customers, you start to understand what is working and what is not working. If it’s working, that’s great, but if it isn’t working, go back to the basics; start small and act fast to make it work again. Every player is different; if you treat each player the same, it is potentially limiting their maximum potential as a tennis player.

The second component to my work as an Adult Program Coordinator is to make sure I listen. Ironically, all businesses will require you to identify the topic through communication. Upon understanding the topic, you then proceed to analyze and convey your thoughts.

Having a great relationship in business isn’t just telling your customer things they want to hear but letting them know that you’ve got their back no matter what. It is extremely crucial to build trust and you will see the difference in whatever profession you are in.

Just like the waitress on my date who delivered the “wow factor” that day, I am still learning. I try my best to understand what customers want and deliver that wow factor myself to make an impact on them like my waitress did to me that night.

Before you act or speak, put yourself in the other person’s shoes and understand where they are coming from. Looking through situations from all perspectives and listening to what another person has to say can help you make the most out of another person’s day without you knowing it.



Andy ChaHometown (City/State): Seoul, South Korea

How did you get involved in teaching tennis? My coach at the tennis academy gave me an opportunity to teach after I graduated from high school.

Diehard fan of what sports team? Green Bay Packers & NY Giants

Best part of your game? Net game

Dream doubles match would be me and… Patrick Rafter

When I’m not teaching tennis, I’m… Spending time with family and watching movies.

My favorite tennis memory is: Winning a match in college, when I was down 1-6, 0-5.

My favorite professional player is: Patrick Rafter

#1 reason why I enjoy teaching & coaching tennis: I love watching players improve, and observe the things that I can help with.

What important tennis message do you want to promote? Tennis is a great sport that can help you live longer. I also love playing and teaching. If I can share my passion and the love for the sport with others, I would be honored.