Home Articles League News: Why Can’t I Add This Player?

League News: Why Can’t I Add This Player?

ALTA Men's League players

By Greg McAfee, Men’s League Vice President

This is one of the questions we are asked all the time as volunteers. Unlike other leagues, ALTA is based on the team level, which is an average of the top players on the roster. We often get requests from captains to add players to a roster and that player has a level above the team’s assigned level. When the captain puts the roster together before the season starts, the team is assigned a level based on the average of the top 10 players and based on their final level of the previous season. Once the team level has been set, adding players with a higher final level rating is not allowed as it would then make the team stronger than the level it was assigned.

It is important to have all the players you need or want on the roster during the open roster period; there is no guarantee a player can be added once the schedules are posted. Along the same lines, make sure the players on your roster want to be on the roster as ALTA cannot remove players from a roster once the team has been assigned a level. Every season, we get requests from players wanting to be removed from a team roster.

Injuries, seasonal events, and school breaks all cause season availability issues for teams with low roster counts. Getting your roster set before the season is the best way to avoid lineup issues and set your team on a path to a playoff run.

Registration for the fall Men’s League season starts Thursday, June 20, and the roster registration deadline is Thursday, July 11. Captains: make sure everyone is signed up and ready to play. Players: make sure you have found a team so you can compete. Play begins on Saturday, Sept. 7, and the regular season ends on Saturday, Oct. 19. Playoffs and City Finals run through Saturday, Nov. 9. The weather is always fantastic for the fall season, and we are looking forward to another great ALTA Men’s League season!