Home Articles League News: Wheelchair Tennis and Run ‘n Roll Tennis

League News: Wheelchair Tennis and Run ‘n Roll Tennis


By Bob Kohmesher, Special Programs Vice President

ALTA offers a wide variety of tennis opportunities. Most of us have played in the Men’s Thursday and Sunday Women’s, and Mixed Doubles leagues. Many of us also have participated in the Senior and Senior Day leagues. Those of us with children have enjoyed watching them participate in ALTA’s Junior League and the Junior Challenge Ladder. Whether you are 10 years old or 80, there’s an opportunity to play, as tennis is a sport that you can participate in throughout your life.

ALTA also sponsors Wheelchair and Run ‘n Roll leagues. These leagues follow the same seasons as the other leagues and also run for seven weeks. There’s a wide variety of skill-level in wheelchair tennis. Some of our players regularly compete in regional tournaments, and others are just mastering the sport. The major difference in rules is that the wheelchair players get two bounces. There are lobs, drop-shots, and cross-court shots. If you’d like to watch this exciting league play, matches are held on Tuesday evenings at 6:45 p.m. at Hudlow Tennis Center in Best Friends Park near Jimmy Carter and Buford highway.

If you would like to play with a wheelchair partner, you can participate in the Run ‘n Roll season. We are always looking for men and women who play anywhere from the A level to the C level. We have several “Run” players who have participated for years in this exciting league. If you’re interested in playing or have questions, contact the VP for Special Programs at specialprogramsvp@altatennis.org.