Home Articles League News: Wheelchair and Run/Roll Adapt to Changes

League News: Wheelchair and Run/Roll Adapt to Changes

ALTA Wheelchair tennis

By Lynn Lee, Special Programs Vice President

The Wheelchair and Run/Roll Leagues are no strangers to having to adapt to changes in their programs throughout the years. This year has been no exception. These league participants have faced weather, temperature, and physical challenges each week, but our ALTA members always find ways to keep playing. Rosters include wheelchair players from novice to advanced levels, and a few of our players are ranked in the USTA top 20 in their respective events.

In the spring of 2022, we experimented with adding a one-hour clinic to the beginning of the weekly matches. This proved to be such a success that we are strongly considering bringing it back next spring.

The summer season brought lots of rain and high temperatures, but everyone persevered through their competitive matches. Summer also included a wheelchair doubles exhibition match at the Atlanta Open that brought exposure to our leagues and, hopefully, interest in new chair players for 2023.

The fall wheelchair season got underway September 6 and will end October 18 (Oct. 25 rain date). Fall rosters are usually a bit smaller than those in the spring season. Our flexibility allows for players to be added throughout the season. Registration can be made under the Ladders and Mixers category, but if you or someone you know is interested, just let us know and we’ll get you on the right track.

We do not play a winter season, so we will start up again in the spring of 2023. Look for a few changes that we’ve been working on this year to grow this fun league.

See you on the courts!