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League News: The Long Road Back to Normal

ALTA Thursday Women's league player

By Keri Beck, Thursday Women’s League Vice President

Well, it has been 16 months since we lived our daily lives without considering masks, hand sanitizer, and keeping our distance from others outside our immediate family. It has been 16 months since stopping ourselves as we start to greet our friends and teammates with hugs and handshakes.

It is time to get ready for Thursday Women’s tennis this fall! Let’s anticipate routines without some of the constant considerations under which we have been laboring. Let’s hope that our lives will have returned to a more normal, less regimented space. With the vaccines doing their part, and the decline in COVID cases, let’s look forward to warm, sunny fall days spent outdoors with friends, playing a sport we all love! Let’s look forward to fun competition, and perhaps even the opportunity to linger after a match to catch up with our teammates.

Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Be sure to sign up your Thursday team roster beginning July 1. Thursday season play is scheduled to begin September 9 and runs through October 21. City Finals will be held November 4. As always, please check with your facility manager before registering your team there. Some facilities are limiting space, so make sure you have selected a site that can accommodate your team. If your team needs to move to another location, check that it is an approved ALTA facility, and submit an inspection request online if it is not currently an approved site. Be sure to submit your request in plenty of time to get the courts inspected prior to the registration deadline on July 22.

Even as we move forward with our new normal and have adopted some new daily routines, let’s enjoy the camaraderie and physical activity that each tennis season brings. Let’s begin anew and experience the hope that this season will be the season that we go all the way to City Finals and bring home the ALTA plate! I hope this for each and every one of you this fall. Enjoy yourselves!