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League News: The Commitment Of Captains

ALTA Mixed Doubles teams

By David Rowe, Mixed Doubles League Vice President

The winter season is wrapping up, and as I am from the North, it always amazes me how dedicated ALTA players are to playing in cold weather. I would have thought we would have fewer teams in the winter, but even with the addition of winter pickleball, the numbers are similar to the summer season. Kudos to all of you cold weather folks!

As I begin my first season as the Mixed Doubles VP, I have had questions about adding players to a roster after the schedules are out, and specifically why a player can’t be added at that time. The most common issue that I have, which seems to pertain to the winter season more than any other, is when a player does not pay their dues in a timely manner for the following season. In most cases, that isn’t an issue, but occasionally can cause problems for team captains and for rankings. If your team lost players and we honor the request to lower the team, but then you add them back to your roster (after their dues are paid), that is “double dipping.” It is unfair to other teams on the schedule if the team in question was placed at the new, lower level.

There are a few things that I would like to suggest for both captains and players. For captains, please review and have a copy of the ALTA Tennis Handbook available. (Captains, you can find the handbook here.) It is a great resource and can answer any questions that you may have during the registration process and the season. For players, many of you know how difficult the captaining position can be. You can make it easier on them by paying your dues before the registration period starts. Set a reminder to pay your dues in September to make sure it’s not an issue. I know there are more important things in life than paying your ALTA dues, but I also hate when players can’t play on their teams for a season due to missing this step.

Thank you to all our ALTA captains; we appreciate your dedication to your team and all that you do. Without you, we would not be the same organization, and I am appreciative of your efforts.