Home Articles League News: Summer Seniors Will Be Heating Up Soon!

League News: Summer Seniors Will Be Heating Up Soon!

ALTA senior league player

By Gina Clance, Senior League Vice President

Are you turning 45 this year? Or are you already over that hump? If you answered yes to one of these questions, you are in for a treat! You can finally join the ALTA Senior Leagues! This gives you more opportunities to be outside with friends, enjoying some fantastic tennis.

Our winter Senior Mixed Doubles League was a great way to get through our ‘frigid’ Southern winter, but now it’s time to prepare for the summer Men’s and Women’s Senior Leagues! Congratulations to all of our winter Senior Mixed Doubles City Champions! We know you had a great time celebrating your victories! ALTA appreciates your enthusiasm — it’s what makes this organization such a fun, social group!

As the cooler temperatures leave us behind, we are looking forward to spending the long, warm Georgia evenings on the tennis courts with friends! ALTA summer Senior Leagues are open to men and women ages 45+ and feature four lines of doubles play at each dual meet. The women play on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., and the men take the courts on Fridays at 6:30 p.m. This league continues to grow, proving that metro Atlanta residents can’t get enough tennis.

Roster registration begins March 22 and ends April 12. Each team only needs 10 players (although a few extras are a good idea…and more fun), so get your friends together NOW! The league features all levels of play — from AA to C. The season begins June 2 (women) and June 3 (men) and runs through July 14 and July 15. City Finals will be August 6 and 7, wrapping up another great summer of ALTA tennis! For more information, check out the ALTA website, altatennis.org. Hope to see you on the courts!