Home Articles League News: Spring Season Preparation

League News: Spring Season Preparation

ALTA Thursday Women's League player

By Siobhan Schaeffer, Thursday Women’s League Vice President

Now that the holidays are in the rearview mirror, the spring tennis season is just around the corner! The deadline to register your team for spring is January 21, and the season itself begins on March 13. The full ALTA calendar and roster registration packet can be found on the ALTA website. Captains, please take a moment to check in with your team members to confirm they want to be included on your roster for the upcoming season.

Now is also a great time to review and update your contact information on the ALTA website (if needed) and to renew your ALTA dues for 2025 if you have not done so already.

Feedback from the Captains’ Survey
I would like to extend my gratitude to all the captains and co-captains who took the time to complete our recent survey. Your feedback is invaluable, and we truly appreciate your input! Several themes emerged in the feedback that I would like to address:

  1. Thursday Women’s 9:30 start time: The scheduled start time for Thursday Women’s matches is 9:30 a.m. for Lines 1 and 2. It is important to note that 9:30 is when the first point should be served — not when players show up. We are all fortunate to play tennis on Thursday mornings, but morning rush hour can create obstacles. To ensure a prompt start, please plan to arrive by 9:15 a.m. to warm up and be ready to serve by 9:30. This will allow your Line 5 players to get on the court earlier and avoid unnecessary delays.
  2. Scorecard exchange reminder: Captains, remember that scorecards must be exchanged before the start of each dual meet. According to ALTA Rule III, B. Captains — “Each team must have a captain or acting captain present at the beginning of every dual meet. Captains or acting captains must exchange written lineups for all positions simultaneously before the start of the dual meet. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of points.” If you forget your scorecard, you can write your lineup down on any piece of paper and exchange it with your opposing captain. Scores for each match must be recorded, and captains or acting captains must sign the scorecards and enter/approve on the ALTA website. Please retain your signed scorecard to assist coordinators in the event of any disputes.
  3. Spring break availability: Spring break can create challenges for captains in terms of player availability. To help with planning, I encourage you to check with your team members ahead of the season to confirm their availability. If possible, try to arrange for matches to be played earlier in the season. While we cannot require players to reschedule matches, planning can help ensure a smooth season.

Wishing you a fantastic spring season
As we look forward to the spring season, I wish you all many sunny Thursdays filled with great tennis and even better friendships. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to ensure the connection with the ALTA community is a wonderful experience!