Home Articles League News: JCL Players Take Advantage of the Fall Weather

League News: JCL Players Take Advantage of the Fall Weather

ALTA junior challenge ladder players


Members of the Junior Challenge Ladder enjoyed some great fall weather this season. One of the events featured here was in November at the Laurel Park Tennis Center. Bright sunshine and competitive matches ruled the day as many of the girls from the middle and bottom of the ladder battled on the court.

Several players were on hand for a special celebration to sing “Happy Birthday” to Athithi Ayyappan (girls’ bottom ladder). Several new parents and players participated in the JCL this year. Many thanks to J.P and Jennifer Weber who shared the Laurel Park facility with the players and parents. The Weber family also graciously purchased pizzas for the players. The families seemed to enjoy the day and were grateful for the opportunity to watch their kids’ doubles matches. Also, ALTA is giving a special shout out to parent volunteer Dee Jones, who helped with check-in, set up, match results, court assignments and pairings. She did a phenomenal job.

This was the third round robin event for JCL doubles in the fall. Volunteers worked hard this year to set up some of the doubles matches so that certain parts of the Ladder could remain competitive. Players also were able to attend the final social event in December at Sandy Springs Tennis Center.

The JCL closed December 7, and players and their families attended the awards banquet, December 9 at Uncle Julio’s in Sandy Springs.