Home Articles League News: How To Best Prepare For The Spring Season

League News: How To Best Prepare For The Spring Season

ALTA Thursday Women players

By Siobhan Schaeffer, Thursday Women’s League Vice President

Although there is still a chill in the air, it’s time to register your team for the spring season. The deadline for roster submission is January 18. The full ALTA calendar and roster registration packet can be found on the ALTA website. Now would be a great time to renew your ALTA dues if you haven’t already and update your contact information if necessary.

Captaining during the spring season can be challenging, with spring break availability and player movement. I encourage all captains to check availability for spring break week with their players. If you find you have little to no availability, please reach out to your opponents as early as possible about playing the match or just a line or two early. While most major public-school districts have the same week off this year (April 1–5), that doesn’t necessarily mean that all teams have availability issues for that week. I encourage all teams to work together to play early if their schedules allow. Player movement rules still apply and can easily be tracked using your tracking sheet on the ALTA website. Please review player movement rules in detail before the season begins. And as always, you can reach out to your level coordinator with questions.

Atlanta’s morning rush hour can pose an issue for the Thursday Women’s League. Allow yourself extra time for traffic so you can arrive stress-free by 9:15 a.m. and promptly start at 9:30 a.m.

We want to be sure all our ALTA members are on the team of their choosing, so please check with all your players before submitting your roster.

I wish you all many sunny Thursdays with wonderful tennis and great friendships.