Home Articles League News: Good Sportsmanship

League News: Good Sportsmanship

ALTA Women's league players
Photo: Laura Barnard

By Chequetta Allen, First Vice President

ALTA takes great pride in the longstanding tradition of good sportsmanship during all aspects of league play, and it has remained a top priority among the ALTA volunteers for decades. We love hearing the stories from our members who take the time to share a great experience of an opponent going the extra mile on and off the court. ALTA rewards these acts of kindness and sportsmanship with the ALTA Sportsmanship Award. Here are a few of the stories from previous ALTA seasons.

Dellinger Park
Senior Mixed A5
Captain: Lawanna Wilson
Nominated by Alice Billups, captain at Sugar Creek
Our teams had some competitive matches at Sugar Creek during playoffs. I would like to recognize Dellinger Park for their wonderful sportsmanship, from the players to the fans. Everyone was complimentary and giving props to each other. The weather was beautiful, and the overall attitudes of the players and fans was as well. At the end of the matches, everyone shook hands, and some even shared hugs. The folks from Dellinger wished us well in our next playoff round. I can honestly say, it was a great day, and everyone left with a smile.

Academy Park
Senior Mixed B3
Captain: Scott Harrison
Nominated by Kate Olsson, captain at Hamilton Commons
It was late on a Friday afternoon, and one of my players called to say she was sick and unable to play the next morning. The only available player I had could be on the court only if the match began at 9 a.m. (an hour earlier than the normal match start time.) The weather forecast was for 32°. I texted the opposing captain about starting the women’s doubles at 9 a.m. and 15 minutes later, he had already checked with his players, and they said they could do it! Also, when we played, his entire team was extremely nice, and it was a wonderful day of tennis. The weather even cooperated.

Mixed Doubles B6
Player: Pete Fox
Nominated by Beth Stewart, player at Woods of Parkview
After a cold match, I was emptying the trash. Our trash can did not have a trash bag in it. It was filled with garbage and rainwater. I dumped it out, got a trash bag, and Pete volunteered to pick up the wet, moldy trash. I was so thankful. I had just finished playing line 5, and my husband and I were locking up the facility and making sure all of the trash was empty. It was starting to rain. Pete certainly did not have any responsibility to help, but he did. I would like to nominate him as a super sportsman!

Senior Mixed C1
Captain: Martin Chen
Nominated by Darlene Caldwell, captain at Saddle Ridge Lake
When it was necessary to reschedule a Saturday Senior Mixed League match this past winter due to the funeral services of a former teammate, we were fortunate to find our opponent more than willing to work with us. Contacting Martin Chen, Georgetown’s captain, a week in advance, I received an immediate response that he and his team would do anything possible to play the lines early. Martin stayed in constant contact until all four lines were scheduled to play. He and his entire team were beyond understanding of our issue, and each player sincerely expressed condolences for the loss of our tennis friend. Georgetown’s willingness and graciousness (even playing lines on a holiday) displayed an example of sportsmanship that ALTA should recognize. Our team was greatly touched, humbled, and honored by their cooperation.