Home Articles League News: Getting Ready For Spring

League News: Getting Ready For Spring

ALTA Sunday Women's league

By Susan Levin, Sunday Women’s League Vice President

It’s not quite spring yet, but it will be here before we know it. The days will stay lighter longer, the trees begin to leaf out, and the daffodils start peeking out from beneath the cold ground. Yes, all true and all signs of spring. If there is one thing that makes spring different here in metro Atlanta, it’s the thousands of ladies preparing for the ALTA Sunday Women’s spring season. Yes, thousands! Our fall 2022 season had 1,048 Sunday Women’s teams with more than 20,000 ladies on their rosters. 

Now that fall is in our rearview mirror, it’s time to begin planning for an exciting spring season of tennis. Players are updating their online ALTA profile to ensure all of their contact information is current, they’re making sure their ALTA membership is up-to-date, and they’re reaching out to their local tennis facility or contacting ALTA captains about joining a Sunday Women’s spring team at their level of play. Not to mention, it’s a great time to start spring training, to participate in those tennis clinics, or get on the court with friends for some social matches.

Sunday Women’s teams comprise all levels. To experience the full enjoyment of tennis, it’s important to be on a team that is your level. If you’re new to ALTA, or if you’re currently not playing at a level that feels like the best fit for your tennis skills, check with a tennis center in your area. Most centers have instructors who will be glad to assist you in determining what level of ALTA may be best for you. In many cases, instructors can introduce you to other ladies at your same skill level or they know teams at your level who may be looking for players. Fortunately, that was my experience when I moved to Atlanta over 20 years ago. I didn’t know how to join an ALTA team or what level team to join. It was a tennis instructor who introduced me to ALTA, and I’m glad he did.

Our Sunday Women spring registration opened on Dec. 29, 2022 and will close on January 19 of this year. In addition to players preparing for the spring season, team captains of returning teams or new team captains have been busy building their teams as they reach out to each member before adding them to their new spring roster. This is especially important as some members may have moved to another area of town since the fall, or wish to play with a friend on another team, or may wish to move to a different level, etc. Captains will want to review the wealth of detailed information regarding roster registration, submitting a roster, team placement, and other helpful content which is in the ALTA documents: “Roster Registration Information Packet” and the “Adult Captain Handbook.” 

With spring just around the corner, what better way to enjoy warm, breezy Sunday afternoons than being on the court for a competitive game of tennis with your team? It’s nice to enjoy the camaraderie of your team, making new friends, healthy competition, and fun-filled exercise. Team spring registration ends Jan. 19, 2023, but ALTA members can join a team any time during the season as long as that team is at or above your current ALTA level rating. Our spring season begins Sunday, March 19 at 1 p.m. If you haven’t already started making your plans for the Sunday Women’s spring season, it’s not too late to start.

We do not play a winter season, so we will start up again in the spring of 2023. Look for a few changes that we’ve been working on this year to grow this fun league.