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League News: Competing During COVID-19

Junior Challenge Ladder Pic 3

By Brenda Maddaleni, Junior Challenge Ladder Vice President

Nearly 150 players participated in the 2020 ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder season. The Junior Challenge Ladder provides players ages 10 to 18 the opportunity to play against other players in the metro area. Each player is placed on the ladder, and players are able to challenge up the ladder and also play to defend their position in the ladder. The objective of the ladder is to facilitate friendly match play in a non-tournament environment. It is a great opportunity for juniors to work on their game and meet new players. There are also group events for each ladder section to play doubles and round robins. The events for 2020 were held at Blackburn Tennis Center, Sandy Springs Tennis Center, and the Riverside Club. Play began in late August and wrapped up in December. The final event of the season was held at Harrison Tennis Center. The players played a mixed round robin and enjoyed a boxed lunch from Slopes in Sandy Springs, while the awards were presented. Players received awards for sportsmanship and 3 in a Row wins. In addition, players were recognized as follows:

  • Most Matches Played: Jonay Brittain, Franchesca Brown, Brandon Kim, Ethan Swatski, Amanda Tanaka
  • Biggest Moves on the Ladder: Jensen Diiani, Wesley Flicker, Prisha Mody, Kevin Screws
  • Ladder Manager Awards: Carrington Brown, Vee (Virginia) Fisher, Reese Hilsen, Andrew Ruder
  • VP Awards: Cherysh Henry, Freddie Lawrence

Each player also received a long-sleeve zip shirt, neck gaiter, and a bag tag. The rankings for the 2020 season are listed on the opposite page. Congratulations to Kate Sharabura for holding her spot for two years in a row and for John Lasanajak, who moved into the #1 spot just before the season ended. We are working on plans for the 2021 season. Registration opens May 1 and closes August 1. Look for an update on the ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder in the July/August issue of Net News.


Girls Challenge Ladder
1          Kate Sharabura
2          Germany Davis
3          Conley Raidt
4          Saray Yli-Piipari
5          Jada Young
6          Lauren Khou
7          Neena Katauskas
8          Jo-Yee Chan
9          Mai Nguyen
10        Franchesca Brown
11        Cherysh Henry
12        Leeza Kurtz
13        Anya Nelson
14        Samantha Slaton
15        Carrington Brown
16        Jonay Brittain
17        Isabella Theodore
18        Jaala Screws
19        Michelle Jones
20        Nicole Eigbedion
21        Mara Opre
22        Claire Giddings
23        Alyssa Davis
24        Mckenzie Shelton
25        Jensen Diianni
26        Sydney Brantley
27        Cleo Moore
28        Shayli Dodia
29        Madison Andrews
30        Jade Lasanajak
31        Myra Wu
32        Ashley Cooke
33        Prisha Mody
34        Caroline Eads
35        Mary Jacoppo
36        Alyssa Khou
37        Amanda Tanaka
38        Lauryn Swatski
39        Trinity Porter
40        Kennedy Talbert
41        Mckenzie Oliver
42        Kylie Johnson
43        Kimaya Paranjpe
44        Meher Bajwa
45        Sophia Clements
46        Bernadette Kotscher
47        Gabrielle Cesar
48        Teri Brantley
49        Sejal Joshi
50        Victoria Louis-Jacques
51        Megan Mckinnon
52        Alyssa Braude
53        Lauren Powell
54        Anwitha Anbuchelian
55        Samantha Ruder
56        Juliana Diianni
57        Sedona Cornelison
58        Valeria Bazan
59        Cali Crouch
60        Isabella Luce
61        Brooke Saye
62        Jordan Ballard
63        Audrey Welch
64        Katie Koenning
65        Deya Todorova
66        Lilianna Lavelle
67        Jamaya Williams
68        Victoria Mejia
69        Ansley King
70        Kathryn Ferris
71        Lily Meyers
72        Virginia Fisher
73        Marlai Walter
74        Kennedy Hill
75        Sophia Jarboe
76        Athithi Ayyappan
77        Olivia Hooper
78        Ashley Bentz

Boys Junior Challenge Ladder
1          John Lasanajak
2          Robert Bauer
3          Andrew Pietkiewicz
4          Freddie Lawrence
5          Davis Taylor
6          Eli Hirshberg
7          Reilly Mcnamara
8          Arsal Farooq
9          Matthew Sloan
10        Nikhil Kulkarni
11        Jake Grimes
12        Quinn Wicklund
13        Blake Stoddard
14        Lova Metor
15        Jack Hrastar
16        Chris Cianciotti
17        Reese Philip Hilsen
18        Mitchell Freeman
19        Stephen Zhu
20        Paul Fridman
21        Jaiden Dodia
22        Jordan Winfrey
23        Jason Eigbedion
24        Parth Mody
25        Matteo Maddaleni
26        Luke Atkinson
27        Ethan Swatski
28        Ryan Cozad
29        Shaurya Bajaj
30        Kellen Simmons
31        Robert Frierson
32        Simon Hayal
33        Jake Solomon
34        London Vasilescu
35        Kevin Screws
36        Shreyan Bajaj
37        Anish Madireddy
38        Brandon Kim
39        Shiv Kinnarkar
40        Teo Johnson
41        Owen Heybroek
42        Andrew Ruder
43        Peter Craig
44        Rishav Ranganathan
45        Matthew Song
46        Harris Unell
47        Tyler Austin
48        Wesley Flicker
49        Vikunth Venkatesh
50        Henry Walter
51        Grayson Perlman
52        Aditya Madireddy
53        Rijul Rapelly
54        Sam Flicker
55        Shriyan Sathish
56        Shaan Majeed
57        Sushil Muddala
58        Austin Turner
59        Tristan Slowey
60        Arjun Shah
61        Rocco Dicarlo
62        Joshua Warren
63        Hemil Thakkar
64        Ethan Smith
65        Alexander Sloan
66        Reid Kanemasu
67        Jake Young
68        Brendan Pickell