Home Articles League News: And So, It Begins… 

League News: And So, It Begins… 

ALTA Wheelchair tennis

By Mark Larotonda, Special Programs Vice President

Oh, the weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful …which means March is approaching, and the 2023 season of ALTA Wheelchair tennis is upon us.

The ALTA Wheelchair tennis season begins at the Hudlow Tennis Center in Norcross, Georgia on Tuesday, March 14. This season will include two wheelchair doubles sessions, one in the spring and one in the fall, along with our summer Run/Roll competition. We also are working on having two clinic semesters for both newcomers who want to learn the sport and experienced players who want to fine tune their skills.

For additional information on wheelchair tennis or to register, please visit the ATLA Website at altatennis.org or call 770.399.5788.