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In A Pickle?

African American paddle tennis player hitting the ball during a match on outdoor court. Copy space.

Here’s ALTA’s answers to your burning pickleball questions

By Jerry Niemeyer, Pickleball League Vice President

Can I add a player to my roster on the same day as the match? Will that player to be eligible to play that night?
The answer can be found in the ALTA Pickleball Member Handbook under Adding Players (page 18). All add-ons are eligible to play when he/she is accepted in the system by midnight of the day before the scheduled dual meet. So, while you can add the player the same day as the match, he/she is not eligible to play until the next day.

When submitting the scorecard after the dual meet, I see a player is not listed on the roster per the ALTA website system. Is this an ineligible player? If so, what are the penalties for this player playing in the match?
When you fill out the online scorecard and don’t find the name of one of the players in the drop-down roster, you must use the entry “not on roster” when completing the score card. This indicates that the player is an ineligible player. When an ineligible player is found to have participated in a match, the offending team will be penalized by forfeiting the team points associated with that match.

My opponents and I were confused about how the switching of courts works. What is the process for each game?
If team A starts on the south court in game one, team B starts on the south court in game two. In game three, team A starts on the south court. When either team reaches eight points in game three, a switch is made, and team B finishes the match on the south court. Please refer to the ALTA Pickleball Member Handbook, page 25, #10.