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PickTEN Program to Benefit Pickleball and Tennis

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Professional Pickleball Registry (PPR) and Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) have created PickTEN, a new program aimed at growing both pickleball and tennis. The program gives clubs a resource for attracting new players to their facilities by providing a fun, social, and engaging program. PickTEN creates an environment that allows players to learn two sports by using pickleball as an introduction of basic skills (striking and tracking the ball) and tennis to further develop those skills.

PickTEN is the brainchild of PTR/PPR CEO, Dan Santorum, who said, “After seeing how easy it is to learn how to play pickleball, the concept of a program designed to effectively introduce two great sports was a no-brainer. From there, PTR COO, Brian Parkkonen, took the PickTEN idea and put together an effective ten-session program.”

“Since pickleball is an easy sport to learn, and builds confidence and hand/eye coordination,” said Nicole Hobson, PPR member services manager, “it makes a perfect gateway to learn other racquet sports, especially tennis.”