Home Articles Get Your Tennis License Plate and Support Youth Tennis Programs in Georgia

Get Your Tennis License Plate and Support Youth Tennis Programs in Georgia

Georgia Tennis Foundation license plate sample

The Georgia Tennis Foundation has sponsored a state tennis specialty vehicle license plate, which is now available for purchase by tennis enthusiasts across the state of Georgia.

The tennis license plate is available via your local county motor vehicle tag office at any time during the year or can be purchased online (via the Georgia Department of Revenue/Motor Vehicle Division’s website) when your yearly vehicle registration is to be renewed, which for all Georgia residents is on or before the registered owner’s birthday.

To view the specialty plate, visit https://dor.georgia.gov then click “Motor Vehicles,” followed by “License Plate Samples.” Then from then “Choose Plate Category” menu, click Special Interest-Apply thru County Tag Office-Issuing and scroll down to “Georgia Tennis Foundation.”

The tennis license plate will be available for purchase at your local county motor vehicle tag office and the total cost will be a one-time $25 Manufacturing Fee, $35 Specialty Tag Fee, and $20 Annual Registration Fee which everyone must pay on their motor vehicle every year.

Once purchased, you will receive a temporary operating permit and receive your tennis license plate via the mail; there is no application required.

From the $35 Specialty Fee paid by the purchaser, $25 goes to the Georgia State Treasury and $10 will go to the Georgia Tennis Foundation to assist and grow existing youth tennis programs in elementary schools/physical education classes, after-school programs, and at-risk/underprivileged areas throughout Georgia.

Each year thereafter, the initial purchase on the birthday of the named vehicle registrant and upon renewal of the purchaser’s motor vehicle registration, the tennis license plate can be renewed for $35 plus the $20 registration fee.

For more information, contact Lindsey Davila at davila@ustageorgia.com or Darren Potkey at potkey@ustageorgia.com.