Home Articles ALTA’s 2017 Board of Directors: Taking Care of ALTA’s Business

ALTA’s 2017 Board of Directors: Taking Care of ALTA’s Business

From left: Larry Waters, 2015 president; Ken Schwartz, treasurer; Joyce Vance, first vice president; Drew Meyer, 2016 elected member; Kathy Berthelette, chairman; Lynn Lee, The ALTA Foundation president; Marla Michalewicz, 2016 president; Debbie Gaster, 2017 elected member; Robert Fitzgerald, president.

By Kathy Berthelette, 2017 Chairman of the Board

The ALTA Board of Directors is once again in session, ready to address policy decisions and oversee the fiscal responsibilities of the organization. The Board of Directors is comprised of nine volunteer members, as is fitting of an organization run principally by volunteers. These volunteers include the current president; the first vice president; treasurer; three past presidents, one of which is the presiding chairman; the president of The ALTA Foundation; and two elected members.

Whereas the Executive Committee is charged with running the ALTA leagues, the Board of Directors is accountable for the business aspect of the organization. Members develop and approve the annual budget, approve policy and procedure changes, propose bylaw changes for approval by the membership, nominate the slate of officers for the subsequent year for vote by the general membership and preside over the annual meeting. To assist in these actions, the Board of Directors has a number of committees, including the nominating committee, information technology committee, finance committee, contracts committee, policies and procedures committee, long-term planning committee and The ALTA Foundation.

The ALTA Foundation is the charitable arm of the organization and is comprised of The ALTA Foundation president, secretary and treasurer. The ALTA Foundation reviews applications for grants and presents these with a recommendation for funding for approval by the Board of Directors. Last year, 15 grants were approved for approximately $90,000.

Although all committees are active, the information technology committee and the long-range planning committee are the most active. Most of our business and tracking of our league play is done on our website and application, so we continue to invest in this area. Stay tuned for a refreshed look, enhancements of our capabilities and improvements in user experience in this coming year.

As we look forward to the coming year, know that your Board of Directors is hard at work and will continue to keep the needs and health of the business as its primary focus.