Home Articles Now Captains Can ‘Dial Up’ the Meeting

Now Captains Can ‘Dial Up’ the Meeting


It used to be a tradition, that seasonal trek to the captains’ meeting to get the team packet. Now team packets are available for download, and meetings are going online.

ALTA will still hold “in-person” meetings, which are a great way for captains and managers to find out about new rules or league changes each season. But captains and managers now will have the option to attend via webinar. It’s all part of ALTA’s efforts to use technology to improve the recreational tennis experience for captains and players.

Information about captains’ meetings and how to access the webinars will be published on the ALTA website and emailed to captains and managers each season.

Even if you aren’t a captain, it’s important that we have updated contact information for you. ALTA is using email for more member communication than ever before. We can’t stay in touch with important updates if we don’t have the correct information for you. Please look at your profile now at altatennis.org.

And while you’re doing your ALTA “housecleaning,” how about adding our email addresses  – noreply@altatennis.org and customerservice@altatennis.org –  to your safe senders list or whitelist? This will keep our emails from being filtered as spam.