Home Articles 2023 ALTA Executive Committee

2023 ALTA Executive Committee


ALTA’s Board of Directors has approved the slate of nominees for the 2023 Executive Committee. They are as follows:

President (not to be voted on)—Linda Shepherd
First Vice President—Chequetta Allen
Secretary—Mimi McFall
Treasurer—Larry Waters
Vice President Men’s League—Greg McAfee
Vice President Thursday Women’s League—Karen Sullivan
Vice President Sunday Women’s League—Susan Levin
Vice President Senior Leagues—Gina Clance
Vice President Senior Day Leagues—Joan Marcinko
Vice President Mixed Doubles League—John Lowell
Vice President Junior Leagues—Wendy Fee
Vice President Junior Challenge Ladder—Stacey Simmons
Vice President of Events and Tournaments—Marla Michalewicz
Vice President of Special Programs—Mark LaRotonda

Volunteers are the backbone of the ALTA organization. Their tireless work and commitment help make ALTA league play possible each season. The officers are voted on by the general membership at the 2022 ALTA Annual Meeting.

2022 ALTA Annual Meeting
Date: November 17
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: The Metropolitan Club
5895 Windward Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30005

The agenda for the evening includes discussion on items set forth in ALTA’s bylaws, in addition to approval of the minutes from the last EC meeting, the Chairman’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, President’s Report, and other ALTA league business.