Home Heard Around Atlanta ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder is Open!

ALTA Junior Challenge Ladder is Open!


Aug. 24-Dec. 5, 2021

ALTA Junior players: Don’t miss out on one of the best junior tennis leagues in Atlanta. This is a unique ALTA league where you can compete at a high level and challenge other junior players on your own schedule. The Junior Challenge Ladder (JCL) attracts some of the best players in the metro Atlanta area, and it’s still one of the best deals in town.

Here are the requirements:

  • Players must be 10–18 years old
  • Must have an ALTA membership and purchase the $15 JCL fee
  • Go to altatennis.org to register.

As a member of the JCL, you can participate in round robin events, meet new players across the city, and be included in video and photo shoots. Most of the players say their favorite parts of the JCL are the fun events, the ALTA clothing and gear that is provided, the awards program, and the end-of-season party.

Register today! The deadline is August 15. You can email JrChallengeVP@altatennis.org for more information.