Home Articles League News: Counting the Days Until The Second Thursday in September 

League News: Counting the Days Until The Second Thursday in September 

ALTA Thursday Women league players

By Keri Beck, Thursday Women’s League Vice President

Let’s get ready for weekday tennis! Let’s look forward to our normal routines — kids in school, sunny days, and tennis Thursdays! Look forward to some fun competition and the familiar camaraderie with ladies who share a common passion — sounds like heaven!

I appreciate all of you who provided your input on the ALTA survey. If you have not done so, please take a moment to complete the questionnaire. We are getting really great feedback for our league, which we will use as we plan for Fall 2020 and beyond.

Be sure to sign up your Thursday team beginning July 6. Play is scheduled to begin September 10. Of course, we will all heed state and local restrictions for safe play as we return to the courts.

I hope you’ll join me in our big step forward back to normal!