By Greg McAfee, Pickleball League Vice President
You asked for it, and we have answered! ALTA will have a summer pickleball league in 2025 in addition to the spring and fall seasons. The format will remain the same (one line each of men’s and women’s doubles and two lines of mixed doubles), but we are in talks about expanding the league offerings in 2026 to other formats. Some of the ideas that members like you have proposed are Senior Pickleball and separate Men’s and Women’s Pickleball Leagues. For that to happen, we want to be sure we have enough players and teams so the driving time for matches is minimized.
For now, though, what was already the best deal in town for league play became even better with three leagues for $30 per year.
I know you all want the details so here you go: Roster registration opens for the summer season on May 1, and matches will be Mondays at 6:30 p.m. beginning June 16. The regular season will run through the end of July, followed by playoffs and City Finals.
Do not delay! Get your team ready now, start reserving your home courts, and get out there and play!
Here are the steps you need to take to get in on the action:
Step 1: Get at least five men and five women together to form a team. A few extra players would be a good idea.
Step 2: Figure out where you are going to play. It could be your neighborhood, tennis center, or private club — anywhere that has either dedicated pickleball courts, lines on a tennis court using the tennis net or using a pop-up net or perhaps an indoor court.
Step 3: Check if your courts have been approved for ALTA pickleball play. Use the Facility Search on the ALTA website to see if your facility has pickleball courts listed. If your facility does not have any pickleball courts listed, you should then submit a request to add them by using the Request New/Modify Facility link and complete the form.
Step 4: Choose your captain and register the roster. Once your facility has approved pickleball courts, you can register your team’s roster during the open roster period. Be sure to have enough players to cover availability during the busy summer travel season. You will be able to add up to six additional players once the schedule comes out.