The 2024 League Coordinators of the Year
By Emmy Powell, Net News Editor
It has been a long-standing tradition and one that makes ALTA function as one of the strongest tennis leagues anywhere. The dedication of the ALTA league coordinators goes above and beyond. We honor the cream of the crop each year. Meet your 2024 ALTA Coordinators of the Year!
Thursday Women’s League
Birthplace: Johannesburg, South Africa
Career: Worked for BP South Africa for over 12 years — started as an Admin Executive and then as a Territory Manager. In 1997, we moved to the U.S. for my husband’s job, and I became a stay-at-home mom.
ALTA History: I started playing ALTA in the spring of 1998, after not having picked up a racquet for over 20 years. I started on a C5 Sunday team. I felt it a great honor when my team asked me to captain our team. I still own my first Captain Handbook in its little green binder. I also was a score keeper back in the day. I have captained many teams since then, and in 2013 became a Junior coordinator and a Junior overall in 2019. I also have been a Thursday coordinator since the fall of 2015. In 2021, I joined the ALTA office staff.
“Michelle has been volunteering for the ALTA community since 2013 in various roles,” said Siobhan Schaeffer, Thursday Women’s League Vice President. “She communicates professionally and effectively, providing clear and concise answers when issues or conflicts arise. Her dedication to the Thursday Women’s League, as well as her support for the ALTA office, has truly made a difference for everyone involved.”
MIKE Cifelli
Mixed Doubles League
ALTA History: Coordinator for Men’s League and Senior Day Men’s League from 2022-2024, coordinator for Mixed Doubles League from 2024-2025.
“Mike came to us last year and has been a great addition to our team,” said David Rowe, Mixed Doubles League Vice President. “He is responsive, always at meetings, and has been extremely great during playoffs and City Finals.”
GINA Clance
Senior Leagues
Birthplace: Kingsport, TN
Career: After college, I worked as a newspaper reporter and in public relations. I became a stay-at-home mom and homeschooled my two kids for 17 years. I consider myself a retired homeschool mom.
ALTA History: My mom was an ALTA coordinator in the 80s, so it was no surprise when I started playing in the mid-90s. I became a coordinator for the Thursday Women’s League in 2008 and worked my way up to overall. I got involved as a coordinator with the Senior Leagues in 2019 and was selected as vice president of that league in 2022. Now I am enjoying being a coordinator in the Senior and Pickleball Leagues.
“When asked, Gina is always there to help and train new volunteers,” according to Senior Leagues Vice President Seth Appelbaum. “She understands the ALTA process and has a good working knowledge to help new volunteers be successful and help captains to have successful seasons. As VP of this league, my job is made easier with her hard work.”
Sunday Women’s League
Birthplace: New Delhi (My father was a diplomat, so we moved to a new country every 3 to 4 years. I moved to Atlanta in 2002.)
Career: I work as a Showroom Manager for Currey & Company. They manufacture high-end home furnishings, especially lighting. I have been with them for 20 years.
ALTA History: I started playing tennis when I turned 30 (15 years ago). I wanted to learn a sport that I had never played before. My boss was a AA player, and she really got me into tennis.
Shephalli was nominated by her overall coordinator, Diane Royston. “In working with her the last few seasons, I find that she is very knowledgeable of the rules, doesn’t hesitate to contact me with questions or just to verify she understands them correctly,” said Royston. “She communicates well with her teams, approves scorecards in a timely fashion, has been a great coordinator at City Finals, and is such a pleasant person to work with.”
MEG Peaden
Senior Day Leagues
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Career: After graduation from Vanderbilt University, I worked for IBM as a systems engineer in New York, Indianapolis, and then Atlanta.
ALTA History: I played tennis as a child and in high school but stopped when I began my career and family. I resumed playing competitive tennis in 2000 with ALTA at Blackburn Tennis Center. In 2008, I moved to Sandy Springs Tennis Center where I still play today. I first captained an ALTA team in 2006 at Blackburn and numerous ALTA and USTA teams since then. My first coordinator position was two years ago.
“Meg has consistently done an amazing, impeccable job every single season,” said Senior Day League Vice President Joan Marcinko. “She is extremely knowledgeable of all the rules and is a very well-loved leader in our tennis circles. What is unique about Meg is that you never have to tell her anything twice. She is always one step ahead of everyone and does her job quietly and efficiently. She’s just really good at what it takes to succeed in ALTA.”
JAMES Niemeyer
Pickleball League
Birthplace: Marietta, GA
Career: Firefighter for City of Griffin
ALTA History: Started as Men’s League coordinator in 2007, Vice President of Tournaments in 2014, Men’s League overall coordinator in 2016, and Pickleball League overall coordinator 2024. Men’s League Coordinator of the Year in 2012.
“James brought his considerable experience from serving in the Men’s League as a coordinator and overall coordinator to the Pickleball League this year,” said Pickleball League Vice President Jerry Niemeyer. “He did an incredible job of assisting an already talented group of coordinators. His assistance was invaluable, not only in preseason activities like team placement but also in using his excellent people skills throughout the regular and playoff seasons. James played a huge role in making the Pickleball League very successful in its second and third seasons.”
Men’s League
Birthplace: Englewood, NJ
Career: Former MLB player for the Toronto Bluejays baseball organization for six years. Owner and operator of National Sports Photo and Jonathan Ramirez Photography since 1992.
ALTA History: Have been playing ALTA for almost 10 years. I have been a Men’s League coordinator for three years.
“Jon routinely goes the extra mile with the teams he coordinates,” said Men’s League Vice President Greg McAfee. “He has attended early round playoff matches and promptly addresses questions brought to him. In addition to being a coordinator, he is the director of tennis at Terrell Mill TC and goes out of his way to make City Finals at that location an excellent experience for both players and volunteers.”
LEELA Woodfield
Junior Leagues
Birthplace: College Park, MD
Career: I was a Civil Design Engineer/Consultant/Project Manager for several years after graduating from college. I later spent 12 years with Gwinnett County Public Schools to have more quality time with my family. When my youngest was a senior in high school, I decided to go back to my first love, engineering, and construction.
ALTA History: I first joined ALTA in 1993 on a Sunday women’s B-level team. Since my introduction to ALTA in 1993, I have played in several ALTA leagues. I have also served as a captain, co-captain, and team manager. I was approached two years ago to be a Junior League coordinator and was thrilled to be asked. It has been an honor to work with the 10u and 12u girls’ teams and watch the girls learn to love the game of tennis, learn teamwork, learn perseverance, practice good sportsmanship, and most importantly HAVE FUN!
“Leela’s many talents, innovative ideas, and suggestions have been utilized to help better the Junior Leagues,” said Junior Leagues Vice President Wendy Fee. “She has a great rapport with her team managers and has made it clear that she is always ready to pitch in extra at Junior City Finals when and if needed. Not only has she seen the Junior Leagues from a team manager perspective when she managed her own kids’ ALTA teams for years, but now she is able to share her extensive knowledge and has continued to exhibit a great amount of professionalism as an ALTA coordinator.”