Home Articles League News: The New 5-Line Senior Mixed League Kicks Off This Winter

League News: The New 5-Line Senior Mixed League Kicks Off This Winter

Good Sportsmanship, ALTA League mixed doubles teams shaking hands.

By Gina Clance, Senior Leagues Vice President

By now, you have heard the Senior Mixed Double League will be using a five-line format beginning in January 2024 — one line of men’s doubles, one line of women’s doubles, and three lines of mixed doubles. We are very excited about this because YOU asked for it! Through a couple of surveys and in talking with ALTA members throughout the year, you said you wanted MORE senior tennis. Adding a line of mixed doubles to the Senior League will put more people on the courts! Hopefully, this will be a start to getting more seniors playing tennis. Registration begins September 15 and runs through October 13. You will need a minimum of 12 players (six men and six women) to register your team, but as always, having a few extras is smart captaining. Get your rosters in, so you don’t miss out on some fun winter tennis!

We had a fantastic summer season with the Senior Men’s and Senior Women’s Leagues! Thank you to everyone for making sure this fun league stays fun — courtside cookouts, waiting for players stuck in traffic, and playing lines early to help other teams. Good sportsmanship and common courtesy truly shine when the Georgia summer temperatures reach 90+ degrees or when a thunderstorm rolls through an hour before match time. Your ALTA volunteers really appreciate all the things you do to keep tennis fun!

Remember, ALTA needs YOU to help grow the Senior Leagues! Talk it up to tennis friends; help a new captain find players; split your roster if folks aren’t getting much playing time. The more senior teams we have, the less time you’ll spend on the road getting to matches.

See you on the courts!